Resultados: 2

Acercamiento a la lectura crítica en estudiantes de enfermería a través de una estrategia educativa participativa

Introducción: Las escuelas de enfermería deben desarrollar en los alumnos, aptitudes a través de la lectura crítica que proporcione la reflexión de su quehacer. Objetivo: Comparar dos estrategias educativas en alumnos de enfermería: la tradicional y promotora de la participación para el desarroll...

Nursing Supervision: studying the "case" of the phenomenon of interorganizational articulation Nursing School and Hospital

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 48 (spe2), 2014
The history of this research found a suitable ethos not only by the route of the researcher, but also by the current public policies of modernization and reform that are capable of regulating and transforming the educational and health systems, as well as their professional groups. The reflection meantim...